The reason i went ahead and made the mock up out of metal was, if I wanted to finish it off I'd sell it. (Try to at least!) Or I could stop with the lid and do what I think I'm going to do and mount it on the top of this black onyx.

*Yikes! Still needs to get cleaned up! Antiquing will soften some of those iffy lines, but shouldn't rely on it that much!*
My father wanted me to make my mother a locket, for Christmas. Uh, this past Christmas that is. I warned him it might take me a while, but would love to do it. Hence the rather conservative rose design. I'm also doing one with a tulip that I might post on flickr, or maybe not. I'm doing that mock up in paper mache. *lol.* Silver is expensive, and the tulip design is a bit less straight forward. *My mother likes flowers.*
That's gorgeous.
You did such a beautiful job on this that I cant wait to see what you do with the gold!
It's beautiful either way I think. Though I do think it would look phenomenal on that black onyx.
Really ambitious! So far I like it a lot. Can't wait to see what comes next...hope you will show photos along the way!
its lovely.
That's beautiful, Chris.
Beautiful! Can't wait to see it finished!!
Wow, it should look fabulous on the black onyx as a backdrop. I don't see any "iffy" lines but since you're the artist and creator, I'm sure you're far more critical and see every minute flaw.
Chris that is gorgeous! Your mom will love it not only because its beautiful but because it was made with love by you :-)
Beautiful work. Be sure you show us the final product.
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