Monday, March 10, 2008

On Birdbaths and Other Important Matters

The season of birdbaths is upon us... It may be a bit early but you know how birds are. They were gathered in the small tree nearby looking at that empty bit of cement with the intensity of the chocolate deprived (though I may be projecting.) Irises are poking up in their resilient unflappable way through the last year's mess I haven't cleaned up. Spring time might not yet be quite here but the dirty cloak of a long winter has definitely receded for now and I can attempt a positive attitude.

A positive attitude dizzied by the stunning upward spiral of gold and silver prices, along with the cost of soy milk and potato chips, while jobs available continue to be rather cheap and ephemeral. I'm waiting to see if those tulips do it again, brazenly establish their presence in the midst of my small weedy lawn with brilliant colors, and thick leaves. And will those squirrels do it again and bite the tulips' heads off, leaving brave but stunted stems.

The doomsday vault has closed its doors saving the world's seeds for when a future fertility might need performance enhancement and the democratic primaries drag on like junior high civics class at the end of the day... in spring. Though the sun has gathered intensity the wind is cold the bicycle tires are not aired and the birds remain suspicious of the newly filled birdbath. I am so ready for Spring... for the salt and the grit of winter to get flushed away and to see what survives, what blooms.


picciolo said...

hi, thanks for leaving a kind comment on my blog! I hope your tulips survive, our crocuses are just coming out, our problem is not squirrels but foxes squashing them, they seem to use our garden as a throughfare.
: )

Suldog said...

I'm really, really looking forward to Spring, too. I've had it with snow, cold, shoveling, and every other nuisance associated with Winter.

GalleryJuana said...

thanks for coming by my blog.

I really enjoyed reading this post. And I am ready for spring too. Autumn is still my favorite season, but I also long for Spring. We had a taste of Spring twice this week.

CSD Faux Finishing said...

You said it! I am with you on spring needing to reveal itself as soon as possible :)

Loved this "The doomsday vault has closed its doors saving the world's seeds for when a future fertility might need performance enhancement and the democratic primaries drag on like junior high civics class at the end of the day... in spring"

I guess it is time for a little spring fever in all of us huh?

Chris Stone said...

Thanks everybody! Yeah, its amazing how many posts on spring there are!