Saturday, October 10, 2009

You Don't Always Know What You Think You Need

*Or something like that.*

At the local thrift store this morning while in desperate search for some pants, *I have finally concluded I really am working my butt off,* I came across this fellow. I never realized I was missing him.

I think I'll put him on my computer table alongside my snowman. Pity my snowman's head no longer lights up.


Sarah Knight said...

looks like a fun find : )

CSD Faux Finishing said...

heehee, yes he would be perfect over here just as you suggested :-) He will be a great addition to your computer table, you'll have to post some pictures when he's settled!

Steph said...

He looks happy you found him:)

GalleryJuana said...

That is a cool find. I wouldn't be able to resist writing notes on it:)

p.s. My cat has adjusted to the upheaval so far, although, I don't know how she will feel about the flight yet.